
Beecroft Nursery is located at the junction of Queen Anne Drive and Harvey Road, Wimborne BH21 3BA


Beecroft Nurseries are experienced in advising you of the right hedging plant for your garden ...

Beecroft Nurseries try and hold a good variety of hedging plants, shrubs and trees, many of which will be perfect for your garden. We can't hold every plant but if you have a specific plant request then we will try and locate it via our network of nurseries in our supply chain. We offer a competitively priced hedge planting service - click here to view our main website

location, selection and care advise

Beecroft Nursery - it's all about the plants

hedge planting service available

Beecroft Nurseries 'Top Ten' hedging plants for your garden ...

We have tried to put together a collection of ideas for evergreen hedges. We aim to grow our ‘Top Ten’ hedging plants on site at Beecroft Nurseries and have stock available in various sizes throughout the year. Don’t forget to enquire about our competitively priced Planting Service if you feel that your project is a little too ambitious to handle yourself.

There are countless hedging plants which could be used but we think this ‘top ten’ list of hedging plants are tried and tested varieties that are relatively easy to establish and are straight forward to maintain for your own garden.

Evergreen hedging plants from Beecroft Nursery, Wimborne ....


Griselinia Hedging Plants

Common Laurel Hedging Plants

Portuguese Laurel Hedging Plants

1) Griselinia

Simply the best !


Easy to prune

Bright green in colour

Prefers full sun

Ideal for coastal positions

Will re grow if cut back hard

2) Common Laurel

A good glossy evergreen hedge.

Fast growing.

Will re grow if cut back hard.

Grows well in sun or shade.

Be prepared to cut regularly to avoid a giant.

Harmful to livestock !

3) Portuguese Laurel

Also a good evergreen hedge

Slower growing than plant number 2

Tolerates sun or shade

Will re grow if cut back hard

Can get a bit big but not a quickly as Common Laurel

Harmful if eaten !

contact Damon - office 01202 693705   -   mobile 07759 837404   -   email

Beecroft Nurseries

& Garden Centre in Wimborne, Dorset


Photinia ‘Red Robin’ Hedging Plants

Yew Hedging Plants

4) Photinia ‘Red Robin’

Good evergreen hedge with amazing new red foliage in Spring

Fast Growing

Will re grow if cut back hard

Tolerates sun or partial shade

Avoid pruning after end of August

Can get a bit big if not pruned regularly

5) Yew

Makes an ideal screen

Tolerates full sun or partial shade

Tolerated sheltered or exposed positions

Must be trimmed regularly - a real biggie if left !

Most of the plant, especially the seeds / berries are highly toxic !


Medium evergreen hedging plants from Beecroft Nursery, Wimborne ....


Pyracantha Hedging Plants

Osmanthus Hedging Plants

6) Pyracantha

Excellent evergreen hedge

Perfect for wildlife

Fantastic colour from red, orange or yellow berries in Autumn

Can grow an inch a week so keep up with pruning!

Buy some decent gloves or get somebody else to prune it !

7) Osmanthus

Evergreen screen but slightly ‘open’

Very pretty white bell shaped flowers in Spring

Tolerates full sun or partial shade

Can be kept to 1.2m high (3ft 9”)


Dwarf evergreen hedging plants from Beecroft Nursery, Wimborne ....


Sarcococca Confusa (Christmas Box)

Euonymous Bravo (Japanese Spindle)

Euonymous ‘Green Rocket’ Hedging Plants

8) Sarcococca Confusa (Christmas Box)

Native to Asia and the Himalayas. Slow growing, evergreen and compact.

Small white dainty flowers.

Makes an ideal hedge anywhere from 18inches (450mm) to a metre in height.

9) Euonymus Bravo (Japanese Spindle)

Relatively fast growing dense evergreen shrub.

Really good cream variegation margin around the dark green centre.

10) Euonymous ‘Green Rocket’

Glossdark green foliage, looks a little like ‘Box’ from a distance

A good alternative to ’Box’ if one is worried about ‘Box Blight’

Maximum height 1m (3ft 2”) but can be kept to 450mm (1ft 6”) or maybe slightly lower

Prefers sun but will tolerate partial shade


All prices are inclusive of VAT, card payments can only be taken in our shop and not over the phone, strictly cash on all ‘delivered’ items only.

hedging plants | hanging baskets | shrubs | bedding plants | log sales | christmas trees

about Beecroft Nursery

our top 10 hedging plants

hanging baskets


christmas trees


shrubs & bedding plants

click the Google Maps logo to find us

Mon 12:00 to 4:30. Tue 12:00 to 4:30. Wed 12:00 to 4:30. Thurs 10:30 to 4:30.

Friday 10:30 to 4:30. Saturday 10:30 to 3:00. Sunday CLOSED.

Whilst we strive to be at the Nursery during the advertised hours, sometimes we do have to make local deliveries. If we're not there please call 07759 837 404 to see how far away we are or pop back to us another time - please do not disturb our neighbour in the house.

Opening Hours

+44 7903 044512